Tree Plantation Drive

To promote importance of Tree plantation and Conservation in society by active contribution of the Pratishthan in tree plantation drive organised by Govt of Maharashtra on 1 July, 2016

Places: Pen, Sudhagad Pali, Mumbra Thane
State: Maharashtra


  • Low rain level
  • Increased air pollution
  • Lack of fresh air
  • Disturbed Nature's Cycle


  • Helping increase rain level
  • Cleaning the air
  • Helping wild life
  • Improvised Nature's Cycle

Overall Statistics



More About Plantation

An environment without trees is threat to healthy atmosphere. Through indiscriminate felling of trees, mankind has invited its own destruction. The change in cycle of season is also an outcome of this interference with nature. To regain the lost balance in ecology, tree plantation has no alternative. Simply knowing these facts have no impact says Dr. Shri Appasaheb Dharmadhikari. In order to increase the water table and rain water harvesting, tree plantation and conservation is being organized every year and successfully implemented.

Water is elixir of life. Pollution is destroying this elixir. Potable water is being polluted on account of improper use and gross neglect. Similarly, in villages, tribal hamlets and hillocks, people are facing water scarcity. To provide drinking water, natural water resources must be kept clean and healthy.